Tuesday, November 18, 2008

oh right, i'm back here, blogging. okay, well.. i just came back from putrajaya.. and i know, you're asking me.. what were you doing at putrajaya weii? well, i went with my dad to collect someone's ic from the kerajaan place, which we then found out that his ic was at the nramch in pj state.. so, the trip to putrajaya was disia-siakan.. and no, i did not go look for kahhoo, tho his campus is in putrajaya. the boy went to midvalley and texted me at 1159am.. like, who would be awake at that time when you slept at 3am the previous night? hahahha... so anyway, daddy and i went sight seeing, nothing much to see really, just badawi's house bla bla bla.. which wasnt much of a WOW factor, it was just weird..

but whatever, at least i'm home.. hey, btw. i wont be blogging for the next couple of days, i'll be at kl with my khai ma and my baby sitter.. that's so awesome isnt it? hahhaa, i get to see her new house.. :P.. well, condo actually..

PLUS, i still need a sponsor, remember? so if you are willing to sponsor me, kindly leave a comment. thanks!

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