Thursday, November 13, 2008

hey... i watched urban legend today.. why did i watch that show? well.. at first.. i went down to ss2 to pick my sis up and for dinner... so the usual when i go down to ss2 is.. get the star 2 newspaper and checkout the comics, thn see our lame rtm tv time schedules.. and so, i did that today.. after comicing, i turned over.. and something striked! a picture of someone, non other thn the super hot/scruffy JARED LETO.. i know, he's sooo hot.. plus, i love his hair.. so, cut the crap.. umm, newspaper said that at 10pm, urban legend's showing, starring (pic), jared leto.. hahahaa.. so i had to watch it.. but i forgot! like NOOO! and it was like1130 already.. and i quickly turned the tv on to channel102, which is rtm 2 for those who dont know.. and it was gonna end.. so i kept watching till the end, and thankfully, he made his final appearance on set.. like WWOOOOOW.. he cut his hair, shaved a little, but still maintained the semi-scruffy look and mehnnnn.. his crystal blue eyes are to die for.... so, go watch URBAN LEGEND! plus, dude has the BOD.

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