Friday, March 6, 2009

hello world. Like I said, I would be MIA-ing alot right? Well I have been, just so you know, incase you're not a frequent reader. :) Well, lots have been going on, especially in school. Techically, ONLY in school. Plus, the word ONLY totally reminds me of Pn.Ting, my modern math teacher. She's so cute I tell you, she's bout 2 inches shorter than me and always bounces up and down on her toes and points to the board everytime she wants our class to understand something. I know. Its weird. Okay. Chuup! I'm going back for danceee! I know i said that earlier, but I have not been going for dance since I joined. Actually I did, just once. Then I had activities for the rest of the saturdays, so I didn't go. Heh. Oh ya, and I so forgot the stuff I choreographed earlier this year for the cricket song. If you want to hear it, go to youtube, type Jay Chou and click on the song named something-paddy-something. Ya, there's something to do with paddy and crickets and its all in Chinese. And I DO NOT understand a word the dude's singing, like seriously. 

And before I forget, CANTEEN DAY'S comingggg! Hahaha. Its so awesome. But right, I don't exactly know why this year's takwim sekolah placed canteen day so early in the year, its like only March! So I stayed back at school today and helped count some cash, while Tuck Loong was in the den doing his I-don't-know-what-conference-online-cum-telephone thing. The worst part is, we all had to keep queit! Like HELLLOO?! ITS AMANDA PHUAH. I canNOT keep quiet. So Shannen and I ditched the den and left to the library where we then saw sze ting and janie counting money which so happened to not be the right amount and we suddenly put in accounting terms into the thing we wanted to explain to Janie which she DID NOT get in the end. So nevermind, forget the credit, debit and sistem catatan Bergu. Drop the issue. 

I got home pretty late, and thank God I'm not bummed out. I'm still alive now! And its already 11.12pm. I'm so proud of myself for not KO-ing so after I came back. I think I was too hungry.

Plus, I quit Pn.Liew's tuition, to those who read Jan's blog. Ya, her timing is a bit out, and my uncle's already working so there's no one to get me to and fro from class. And I think its gonna be very awkward to go to YewLeung's house on Tuesdays and Kedric's on Thursdays. Especially not when Kedric's auntie Janice gave me the stare when I went up to the dude's room. Mehn, that was creepy. So, if you want to know, I'm back to GARY! And there's soooo many people I don't know there, except John. I saw Kyrina though, but she's going for Physics, not +math. 

p/s : I PASSED +math. Thank God. He helped me! 

p/p/s : I'n blogging using the MacBook, that's why my lettering's so weird. Sorray.

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