Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hey. I haven't had the time lately, sorray. So, nothing much has been going on, besides school, school, more school and even more school! Ya, I know. I'm pathetic.

Well, kach [sis; that what i call her now, cause' its so much cooler than calling CHE] started college already, obviously she took the March intake. Sunway College, btw. So she's taking 5 subjects; English as A Language and A Dialect,[ELD], Phycology, Applicable Math, Economics and something else I just forgot. She's been bragging about how psycology is sooooo fun even on the boring chapters, whatever. Seems like she's been enjoying college, while people like myself get stuck in highschool, waiting for the dreadful SPM exam which awaits us in 2010. Did I mention that we already know our SPM timetable? What an ENERY-BOOSTER. Pfft.

Oh, plus, there was some drama that happened back at church. They're giving it a facelift! The building only, of course. The office change tremendously, it looks so much office-ish now, with proper cubicles and stuff like that. The cafe has also been rearraged, the camwhore mirror removed. The library however, has been turned into the band's little office, with a couple of computers and laptops. The creche, has an extra door now. The only rooms that will not be remodeled are the Multi-purpose Hall, Youth Room and the Pantry. 

We had this week's service at the Hee Lai Ton Restaurant, which was quite cool, since I haven't been there. Everyone else went for the Healing Rally there, except me and kach cause' we were at ss2 and mommy had to go early. The hall is HUGE! Crazy! It was combined service today, but the sound system wasn't so good. Durh, Hee Lai Ton, what to expect right? Haha, well that's all.

Just a brief update ya. My camera's OOS, there's no batteries in them. So sorry for the pictureless posts, I promise I'll be back soon. How soon? Thats for me to know and you to find out. :)

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