Sunday, December 2, 2007

i finally got it.

you may ask.. what did this retard get?? you wont believe it.. after years of searching for it.. i finally found it.. WASABI PEAS.. OMG.. they're like the best snack/nuts you can ever get.. they're hot as in spicy.. and yet.. still kinda healthy.. in a way.. since its peas.. LOL.. ahhaha.. i know.. lame.. but it tastes really good... i found it at cold storage.. RM9.99 for a can.. and honestly.. its pretty cheap.. comsidering its from cold storage and its a pretty big can.. hahaha..LOL.. and i've been addicted to it.. ahhahahah... and.. i got candy canes!! so fast huh?? hahaha.. its cause a relative of mine just came back from aussie and bought it.. hahaha... i havent tried it yet.. and she didnt get the mint ones.. the mint ones are the ones that are white with red stripes.. the ones i got are colourful.. hahaha.. i hope they taste the same.. LOL.. tho.. colors really attract me.. hahaha.. like corynn says.. " i go for the colouful things on the menu.. something's wrong with me" hahahhaha.... LOL.. and rynn.. if you just read this.. leave a comment.. so you wont have to kill me directly at church..LOL.. hahahha... and i'll give you a candy cane if you want.. hahahah..LOL.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

i'm not rynn, but i want a candy cane!! ;D