Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!! And clever me, I just realised something. If you've got OOI SAY WEI's msn, his msn address says the same! Hahahaha, its so funny, I don't kinow why he picked that name! So, I've got no plans, for now. So, you better give me a ring ring, cause you'll never know when someone might just do the same.

Okay, so. Yesterday, we were supposed to have countdown at Uncle Mark's place. So, off we went, my family of course. Note : Uncle Mark's lg is our lg, but we never actually attend them. So, we arrived late. And my hopes of having lamb and turkey like a couple of years ago were crushed! Cause all i saw was this mini barbeque pit and a few uncles trying to barbeque some chicken wings, sausages and fish wrapped up in aluminium foil. So here we are, the 4 of us, who have not been attenting our lg for a very very long time. So, it was a bit awkward, migling with new people and stuff, so we ate with the baby, BABY ISABELLE! She's so cute, but after like half an hour, she kinda chocked on a corn chip, and cc juliet was like, NO MORE CHIPS FOR YOU!

But we still continued talking and stuff, I mean with cc juliet, not the baby. She can't talk. So thn, after the food, which was okay and not AWESOME, we went in to play some taboo! And let me tell you, Uncle Michael made it seem like a life and death situation. Note : Ladies vs Men, Husband vs. Wife. And this Uncle Michael and his cheong hei-ness. Told everybody, " Okay, time to play. So children, go away. Mothers, bring your babies away. Wife, bring Isabelle away." Which she didn't, of course. Cause there was no place to put her. So we played Taboo, the score was tied. Yea, and we finished the game and it was only 10 something. And Uncle Michael was like " Cannot play anymore, baby wanna sleep". And he was pointing at him own, Isabelle. But she was still wide awake, sitting on the couch, playing with her pillow. So, the game wrapped up with a tie. How horrible. So, after some desert and ice-cream, we left too, thinking that they wouldn't have a countdown there, since almost everyone was leaving already. So we went home, waited for 12am to go out and watch the fireworks.

At bout 11.58, me, my sis and my mom went to walk to dog, as an excuse to watch the fireworks. So, we strapped my dog in to his semi-loose harness. Off we went, walking. We heard the sounds, but we couldn't see anything. So we walked further, near the main road. And then, BAMM!! We saw the fireworks! So i got excited, and i pulled the dog from the front. Stupid dog didn't want to follow me, he pulled his head backward and BAMMM! He was FREE! He came out of his harness! So the chase began. I was chasing him like crap, ran almost 300 meters. He almost crossed over the mainroad, btw. He was dying, so was I. And then, he saw this patch of green, I don't know what drew him near it. But he was smelling smelling, but still on high alert that I was chasing him. I couldt take it anymore, so i decided to become heroic and I dove after the dog. Yea, i did. And i caught him, of course, but i scrapped myself. My knee was bloody and stuff. And that was how i spent my new year.


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