Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 3, in the Land of Thai.

So, third day, we were going shopping! Our whole objective of the trip, actually. So at bout 7am, we woke up, had breakfast and off we went to the Chatuchak market! Its like a huge morning market, except that it lasts till late and its HUGE! And if you shop there till noon, you'd die cause its soooo HOT! Plus, those people tendering thier shops told us to watch our bags properly, BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS!

So, we were shopipng, shopping shopping, then the typical aunties stumbled upon a shop which sold cushions, cushion covers, pillow cases and such. And of course, my sis and i were bored to death, those aunties take forever to choose the colour of the pillow cases they were about to buy. And what did we stumble across? Some super duper extra cute girl who has super duper huge eyes and can speak Thai! Apparently, they were shopping for retarded pillow cases too! She somehow reminds me of a cross between Charan and Harpreet. WEIRD.

And in the market, we walked walked walked, stopping quite a bit to look at fancy stuff or just rest. We had lunch there, and some weird girl served us. Oh ya, and we saw this doggie pen place, which sold all doggie stuff. So we bought some bones and 3 pakects of treats for fritz. Its like so cheap there, JerHighs are sold 3 for RM10. Here, its like RM7 a pack. And the doggies they sell there are sooo CUTE! And cheap, mind you. The husky on top is like RM220 only! But they operated their ears, so they'd point up. Which I thought is so EVIL. Oh, and something happened with the second dog. A conversation actually.

thesaleslady my sis

um, this one how much?
oh, 1300 Baht.
Cheap, is it pure breed?
Um, mother father?
OHHHHHH! [pick up another dog of the same kind and knocks them together] This 2, SISTER!!

OMGOSH! It was sooo funny I could have rolled over and died there! What a retard! But anyway, so we ended our little shopiing spree at 4pm, bought a whole load of things and our back were aching. We arrived at the market at 8am and left at 4pm. You do the math. Plus, we didnt even finish looking at everything, that's how big the freaking market is.

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