Tuesday, October 30, 2007


today.. was the semi-final and finals of netball and futsal... futsal was obviously for guys.. and yea.. we were in the semi-finals in netball.. against miss LEE INKKIE who is a total pro.. lol.. and as expected.. they won.. woot... happy for them.. lol.. and thn futsal.. 2C and 2D were int he finals.. it was CLOSE... not actually CLOSE.. lets say 2C lost to 2D 6-0.. lol.. i know.. pathetic.. but cant blame those poor 2C peepz... they did try their best.. and they still won second.. inkkie's unbeatable.. indefeatable netball team won first!!! woooot!!! thn the best part.. PRIZE GIVING.. and 2C won 2nd for both futsal and netball.. and my man looked soooo hot when he was playing.. LOL.. tho he did fall many many times.. xD.. thn when they lost.. he looked sooo sad and depressed... but thn.. AMANDA PHUAH CHENG LI came to the rescue.. weeeee.... and of cuz.. as we all know.. he got better.. lol.. hahahhahahaha....

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