Tuesday, October 30, 2007
lol.. and so today.. when me and jan were all bored.. after our class lost and all... i was too depressed to watch the netball finals.. and it was me and jan.. pathetic.. but... AARON WONG LEE VERN came.. lol.... he was on my side.. cheering for 2C for futsal... thn we as in me, jan and aaron.. went to the canteen.. shouted and practically spent alot of time together.. it was actually fun... and i'm soooo sorry TAN TZE YI... bit aaron wong is sooo totally HOT.. lol.. and freaking NICE.. so i'm sooo gonna steal him away from you.. lol.. xD.. ahhahahhaha... he even " adviced" us to put harpreet's slippers back after we broke them! lol.. hahahahhahaahhaha.... but no harm done... lol... harpreet was so not mad.. she as usual.. her funny and sarcastic self.. lol.. it was GREAT!!
today.. was the semi-final and finals of netball and futsal... futsal was obviously for guys.. and yea.. we were in the semi-finals in netball.. against miss LEE INKKIE who is a total pro.. lol.. and as expected.. they won.. woot... happy for them.. lol.. and thn futsal.. 2C and 2D were int he finals.. it was CLOSE... not actually CLOSE.. lets say 2C lost to 2D 6-0.. lol.. i know.. pathetic.. but cant blame those poor 2C peepz... they did try their best.. and they still won second.. inkkie's unbeatable.. indefeatable netball team won first!!! woooot!!! thn the best part.. PRIZE GIVING.. and 2C won 2nd for both futsal and netball.. and my man looked soooo hot when he was playing.. LOL.. tho he did fall many many times.. xD.. thn when they lost.. he looked sooo sad and depressed... but thn.. AMANDA PHUAH CHENG LI came to the rescue.. weeeee.... and of cuz.. as we all know.. he got better.. lol.. hahahhahahaha....
Sunday, October 28, 2007
fritzi whitzi pooperski..
fritz is FAT... he;s been eating alot.. like a freaking pig.. and he eats, shits and sleeps.. that all.. owh yea.. and chews up everything.. from the grill.. to the shoes.. to the stuff unnderneath the car.. and he digd the garden.. bites the hose and eats his shit sometimes.. but overall.. he's a GREAT guard dog.. he watches the house.. and did i mention he's soooo fat that he cant fit throught the grill anymore??? lol... its actually pretty good.. cuz we wont have any trouble closing the door now.. lol..and he loves basking under the sun and playing in the rain.. but when it BATH TIME.. he squirms all over and shakes alot.. he learnt how to chase his tail.. and is in the process of learning how to play dead and fetch.. he's a great friend when your down.. or if your tv's busted.. like mine now.. lol... and he loves to cuddle with you and be petted.. and he likes to chew his ball on your feet.. and drinks water straight from the pipe.. lol.. well.. here are the most recent pictures of JOHN FRITZGERRARD KENNEDY aka FRITZ aka FRITZI WHITZI POOPERSKI
whaddya looking at, punk?!
Friday, October 26, 2007
-continuation of YOU LOOKED SOOO HOT TODAY-
thnw e went down to the field... where i brought my cap... thn he wore it! lol.. i sooo happy.. anyway.. thn we went to or matches.. he of cuz was guarding for the futsal.. and i was the referee for form 1 netball... REFEREE!! ME.. AMANDA PHUAH CHENG LI WAS A REFEREE... only for one game.. but it was worth the fun.. lol.. thn he was posing near the football pole.... he looked sooo hot from where i was standing... thn when we had half time.. i assumed that he came see me... well.. he came and played some ball with us... and he's a really GOOD BBALLER.. lol.. and tho he loooked all dirty and sweaty.. to me, he looked pretty damn hot! lol.... i'll rate him a 9 outta a scale of one to ten.. and btw... HE'S ALL MINE!
okay... and so.. today.. we played chhor tai ti in class.. hahahah.. altho we weren't allowed to bring poker cards to school.. lol.. and before that.. when i reached school.. i saw praveen, david, calvin, neil and some other guys.... they were playing blackjack.. play with money sommore... they're like sooooo rich.. anyway... neil was the dealer.. and f cuz.. the dealer got special advantage.. and so he won big money... praveen lost like 2 bucks.. thn he earned back 1.50.. he was freaking happy!!.. and thn bell rang.. we went to class... but not all of us.. well.. me mag and tze went to 2C... and i saw him! MY MAN.. standing there.. being all HOT... blew me away.. lol.. thn when we saw suhaila going in the class... we CABUT!! cuz she'll take all our poker cards away.. lol.. thn we went to 2BR.. cuz the norna was in our class.. so it would be super hard to get back in the class since we sneaked out already.. lol.. so we played heart attack in 2BR.. until! we made soooooo much noise that even cik shaiha cannot tahan.. s she shooed us all back to our class... and so we did.. we went back to our class... but norna didnt really care.. so we played speed.. which i obviously won against TAN TZE YI.. and we played a bit of chor tai ti and some checkers.... thn we went out to the feild... - to be continued-
okay.. i went to school today.. thoguht i promised myself that i would only go to school 2 days a week this week.. but too bad! i'm going all 5 days.. aww mehn.. anyway.. today, thursday.. i went to school cuz pn. moona said that got FREE pizza to honour our particiption during sports day.. and so.. as usual.. she put me in change.. lol... got the POWER yo.. aahhahah.. and i had to write damn coupons.. and when school started we all had to go to the dewan to watch some dumb show.. and of cuz.. me being me.. typical good girl.. also go lar.. but.. the suppppppeeeerrrr bummer thing was that we watched BUKIT KEPONG... thats like amovie for the form 4's novel.. i eman please lar... wanna show good movie also show something like the phantom of the opera lar... soooo much better.. and the movie was all gun shots and ppl crying... it went something like.. bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.. MAK MAK MAK MAK MAK!!! aiyo! that stupid girl ion the show.. the mom die ady sommor go stand sooo near her DEAD body crying MAK MAK MAK... summor her voice sooooo shreiky! damn.. my eardrums were gonna burst.. sooo loud.. and i bet nobody paid attention to the movie.. me, des and ly ly were bz talking and gossiping.. lol.. thn we went field.. lol..see the noobie form 1's play netball... hahhaha.. but of cuz we also practiced... but i was in pinafore.. so my movements were kinda limited.. and i pokai.. but din chow kung.. and i stole DAVID TEOW XIN HERNG'S watch... hhahahahhaha... and i didnt return it! its still with me! hahahah.. we'll see if i ever give it back.. altho he bought it for 15 bucks at chee cheong kai! lol
Thursday, October 25, 2007
so.. exams are over.. and thats not the good part... actually.. its the BAD part... cuz all the results will be revealed... aww mehn.. and i passed all! thank God.. well... anyway.. the happy thing is.. i got 60 for MORAL! MORAL you know.. MORAL!! hahahahha... since soooo amny ppl fail... i gotta brag a bit lar.. hahahaha... on how SMART i am.. to pass my MORAL.. not only pass... but get a B! hahahahhahhah... sooooooo happy... but its only moral.. and its not all that important altho its counted in the percentage... and i got 66 for BM... 84 for ENGLISH... 89 for MATH.. 69 for SCIENCE [ bummer].. 60 for MORAL.. 67 for KH.. 52 for SEJARAH [ I PASSED!!!!!!!!!].. 53 for GEOGRAPHY.. 66 for ART.. thats all... and my percentage's only 67.3... bummer.. and last semester.. i failed my sejarah with 30% and my percentage was 65.. i mean WHAT?!... i passed all and i increased by 2 marks.. what?!.. whatever lar.. just hope i can get to a GOOD class next year.. which i hope is not entirely impossible.. LOL... hahahahaha... and xing's a GENIUS.. he got all the main 7 subject A... and he finished his math paper 1 15 minutes before everyone else without CALCULATOR.. and he got FULL MARKS! dude's a math genius.. too bad he isnt hot! lol.. hahhaa.. if not he can be like the sexy math professor on numb3rs.. lol.. hahha
okay.. i haven't been blogging lately.. and if you're a current visitor of my blog, aka LUI JAN YI..i'm soooo sorry for the dealys.. lol.. i've been busy.. and not long ago.. my uncle passed away.. so we had to go for the memorial service and all.. SOOOOO DEPRESSING!! and 4 months before this, my gramma passed away.. i mean... i just feel soooooooo depressed to see loved ones go off one by one.. one after the other.... sometimes i just feel like slitting my wrist or something to not go through this shit... but anyway.. thats life.. full of ups and downs.. lol... hahahhah... but.. its over.. and i'm more relaxed. lol.
Friday, October 12, 2007
lol.. i went to bar.b.q plaza to makan yesterday.. and.. when we reached.. thank God got place.. if not we had to eat somewhere else.. lol.. anyway.. we went.. and the lady ushered us to our table.. and thn we ordered.. like we would in any other restaurant.. and trust me.. their LEMONADE GREAT.. they're not very sour.. neither it is very sweet.. thn.. they on the fire for the thingi tobbq.. and thn the gave us a bowl of lard.. [ pig fat ].. and so.. i didnt know it was lard.. until my mom said.. " man!! dont eat it.. its to oil the grill".. ahh.. revelation for me.. lol.. anyway.. the food came.. and i ate like a PIG.. as usual.. lol.. we wanted to go to waffle world after that.. but my mommy said no... aww mehn.. but to be honest.. i was pretty full.. just wanna go for fun cuz super duper the loooonnnnngggg time didnt go.. xD.. so we went shopping instead!! tho.. we didnt buy anything... lol.. but there'll be a shop selling all computer and apple stuff in the new mall.. which did i mention i went 3 times already? hahhahah... so most probably i'll get my iPod there.. lol.. its just a matter of time.. hahahaha.. xD
Last person whom.
1.Slept in your bed besides you?
` my momma
2.Saw you cry?
` melia, mag, xing, leung, tze.. practically everyone. lol
3.Went movies with you?
` ah rynn
4.You went to the mall with?
` me familia
5.You went to dinner with?
` me familia
6.You talked on the phone?
7.Said "I love you" and really meant it?
`hmm.. lol.. i cant remember
8.Broke your heart?
9.Made you laugh?
Would you rather.
1.Pierce your nose or tongue?
` nose. lol
2.Be serious or funny?
`funny.. laughter's the best medicine, remember?
3.Drink whole or skim milk?
4.Die in fire or drown?
`drown. lol
5.Spend time with you parents or enemies?
` enemies. cuz its written in the BIBLE
Are you
1.Simple or complicated?
` erm. lol.
`hmm. i dont know. xD
Do You Prefer
1.Flowers or candy?
`candy.. flowers dont last.
2.Gray or black?
`gray.. its in i think. lol
3.Colour or black and white photos?
`black and white.. its nicer and brings back the nostalgic feeling. lol
4.Lust or love?
5.Sunrise or sunset?
`sunset.. its nice cuz its in the evening. not in the morning.
6.M&Ms or skittles?
7.Pizza or burger?
`pizza.. lol
8.Staying up late or waking up early?
`staying up late.. which retard wakes up early?!
9.Sun or moon?
`sun. lol
10.Winter or fall?
`winter.. its cold.. xD
11.Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?
` 2 best friends
12.Left or right?
`left.. lol
13.Sun or rain?
14.Vanilla ice-cream or chocolate ice-cream?
`chocolate.. i'm a choco-holic. lol
15.Vodka or jack?
`jack as in JACK DANIELS?! i haven't tried either. lol
Answer truthfully
1.Do you like anyone now?
2.Does the person know about it?
`obviously not
About you
1.What time is it?
`1.38 am
`man.. manda.. amandy panty.. mandy.. manz
4.What's your birth date?
`30th dec
5.Where were u born?
`hospital. lol
6.What do you want?
` to see God
7.Where you want to live?
` in a big beach hut in Malibu
8.How many kids do you want?
` 4. lol
9.What would you name a girl?
` i wouldn't know. not yet. lol
10.What would you name a boy?
` lol.. depends
11.Do you want to get married?
1.Nervous habits?
` i pee? haha.. lol.. i bite my nails
2.Are you double jointed?
` what?
3.Can you roll your tongue?
4.Can you raise one eyebrow?
` yea.. retards cant.
5.Can you cross your eye?
`durh. and again.. retards cant. lol
1.Do you twirl your spaghetti?
`yah. again.. retards dont.
2.Have you ever eaten Spam?
3.Favourite ice-cream?
` baskin robins
4.How many kids cereal are in your cabinet?
` only one. lol. koko krunch
5.What is your favourite beverage?
6.Do you cook?
` yea.. simple food.
In the last month had you have (yes/no)
1.Had a BF or GF?
2.Bought something you don't need?
3.Sang infront of people?
`yea.. everyday. lol
4.Been kissed?
nope. not yet. soon.
5.Been hugged?
6.Felt stupid?
`a bit
7.Missed someone?
8.Got drunk?
9.Got high?
10.Danced crazy?
11.Gotten your haircut?
`owh yea. lol. dont copy it ppl!!!
I shall tag those who blogs and the inactive ones!..haha =P
8. if you bother... thn yea. lol
1.Slept in your bed besides you?
` my momma
2.Saw you cry?
` melia, mag, xing, leung, tze.. practically everyone. lol
3.Went movies with you?
` ah rynn
4.You went to the mall with?
` me familia
5.You went to dinner with?
` me familia
6.You talked on the phone?
7.Said "I love you" and really meant it?
`hmm.. lol.. i cant remember
8.Broke your heart?
9.Made you laugh?
Would you rather.
1.Pierce your nose or tongue?
` nose. lol
2.Be serious or funny?
`funny.. laughter's the best medicine, remember?
3.Drink whole or skim milk?
4.Die in fire or drown?
`drown. lol
5.Spend time with you parents or enemies?
` enemies. cuz its written in the BIBLE
Are you
1.Simple or complicated?
` erm. lol.
`hmm. i dont know. xD
Do You Prefer
1.Flowers or candy?
`candy.. flowers dont last.
2.Gray or black?
`gray.. its in i think. lol
3.Colour or black and white photos?
`black and white.. its nicer and brings back the nostalgic feeling. lol
4.Lust or love?
5.Sunrise or sunset?
`sunset.. its nice cuz its in the evening. not in the morning.
6.M&Ms or skittles?
7.Pizza or burger?
`pizza.. lol
8.Staying up late or waking up early?
`staying up late.. which retard wakes up early?!
9.Sun or moon?
`sun. lol
10.Winter or fall?
`winter.. its cold.. xD
11.Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?
` 2 best friends
12.Left or right?
`left.. lol
13.Sun or rain?
14.Vanilla ice-cream or chocolate ice-cream?
`chocolate.. i'm a choco-holic. lol
15.Vodka or jack?
`jack as in JACK DANIELS?! i haven't tried either. lol
Answer truthfully
1.Do you like anyone now?
2.Does the person know about it?
`obviously not
About you
1.What time is it?
`1.38 am
`man.. manda.. amandy panty.. mandy.. manz
4.What's your birth date?
`30th dec
5.Where were u born?
`hospital. lol
6.What do you want?
` to see God
7.Where you want to live?
` in a big beach hut in Malibu
8.How many kids do you want?
` 4. lol
9.What would you name a girl?
` i wouldn't know. not yet. lol
10.What would you name a boy?
` lol.. depends
11.Do you want to get married?
1.Nervous habits?
` i pee? haha.. lol.. i bite my nails
2.Are you double jointed?
` what?
3.Can you roll your tongue?
4.Can you raise one eyebrow?
` yea.. retards cant.
5.Can you cross your eye?
`durh. and again.. retards cant. lol
1.Do you twirl your spaghetti?
`yah. again.. retards dont.
2.Have you ever eaten Spam?
3.Favourite ice-cream?
` baskin robins
4.How many kids cereal are in your cabinet?
` only one. lol. koko krunch
5.What is your favourite beverage?
6.Do you cook?
` yea.. simple food.
In the last month had you have (yes/no)
1.Had a BF or GF?
2.Bought something you don't need?
3.Sang infront of people?
`yea.. everyday. lol
4.Been kissed?
nope. not yet. soon.
5.Been hugged?
6.Felt stupid?
`a bit
7.Missed someone?
8.Got drunk?
9.Got high?
10.Danced crazy?
11.Gotten your haircut?
`owh yea. lol. dont copy it ppl!!!
I shall tag those who blogs and the inactive ones!..haha =P
8. if you bother... thn yea. lol
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Zzz.. Sleep...
and so... last night, a saturday night... we went shopping.. cuz the new mall in pyramid's open.. so we decided to check it out.. lol.. so we went.. i was looking for a pair of nike's tho.. but all also not nice... so i gotta get the other ones i saw at subang parade.. anyway.. so we went there.. shopped till 10 pm.. went for dinner at 10.30pm... thn.. we ate uncle Lim's.. lol.. we actually went there for their desert.. but thn that fellar say no more.. lol.. so we just makan only loo... but piece of advice, NEVER order their nasi lemak beef! sucks like shit.. lol..
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
art.. i HATE..
okay... art exam... i decided to do a " membuat kotak minuman anda ".. yea.. and we're supposed to draw it out... and so... i asked my art expert, CORYNN CHAN JIA ERN to borrow me her masterpiece.. [ as above ].. she made it outta box.. but i gotta draw it out.. and so.. i'm gonna copy her design.. which i'm tried numeruos times.. but failed.. but.. she still gotta teach me how to draw the halal sign.. lol.. hahaha.. anyway... i hope i can get a good score.. since " fei por chor tarn cheh" hates me sooo much.. she's a BIG FAT PIG!!
my sayang's..
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