Friday, October 16, 2009

Hey, world. :) And Hi to you too, the girl from my dad's school that is reading my blog. Hey, lucky you, I'm actually acknowledging you. 

So, I know everyone's been talking bout exams and all. But thank God, exams are almost over. ALMOST. Btw, my dad and my Biology teacher has practically the same brain. They set the same questions for the year end exam. To all SriKL students, wanna pakat? I accept cash or credit, whichever you're comfortable with. But of course, cash is way better. :)

Okay, so everyone's an emotional wreck now. Trust me. Since Physics paper was over, I could practically hear everyone going " shit, wrong already! " or " is the answer ******** ah??? I put **** worrrr! ". But then again, I would say Daey's level of emotion was the best. 

David   Everyone else in our gang

Okay! So its P1V1 over P2V2??
NO!! Its P1V1 = P2V2
HAR?!??!?! But you use the top column times bottom column then you divide??
NO! You times the both then its supposed to be equal then you can find the V lah!

He then stormed away angrily and walked to Joshua Tang and asked him the same thing. He wouldn't trust us. Even with people like Mag and Shiva who knew almost everything, he still walked over to other people, hoping that they would have done the same thing as he did. 

Right, maybe I should stop about the exam thing, since I too, screwed up. Whatever. Physics sucks anyway. Chemistry is awesome, on the other hand. So, what's been going on? Um, nothing much really. Its all study, study, study. Form 4 isn't easy, fyi. All you people who say Form 4's a honeymoon year, you're so lying. Its really not easy, with all the new subjects and stuff. Its a very bumpy ride, if you ask me. Everyone's getting more emotional this year, even I, myself. Guess its the oestrogen pumping through my body. Testosterone, for the guys. Yes, I'm a Science student, if you haven't found out. 

I promise I'll blog about my home alone thing next week. Oh and I'll be going climbing on the 29th of Oct. If you want to join me, please tell me in advance. :)

p/s : Take a chill pill, geeks. 

1 comment:

YeanChing said...

ah man!!! sesat la you... dah la.. exam, blog also wanna think abt exam ar? super sesat.