Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hi, you. Oh gosh. Don't get me started. I actually really wanted to blog about the things we did when my parents weren't home for 3 days. But nooo. I can't. Why? You ask. Well, this is why.

I'm stressed.

Very, very stressed. Who says Form 4 is easy?! All you crappy people who said that Form 4's a piece of cake, well, you might not think that way if you're in my position! Exams are on the 7th, btw. Ya, on Rynn's birthday. I'm sorry I had to say this Rynn, but I HATE YOUR BIRTHDAY. At least this year. Malaysian education system already sucks so bad, but here we are, Malaysian students, studying our asses off because our school decided to arrange our exams so early in October, none of us got to really study. Not only that, they also decided to stretch it really really long into the month based on the reason 'the school would not like you to play truant after the exams are over, therefore stretching the exam so long'. Just so you know how long it is, its from October 7th - October 23rd. Yes, cutting through the Deepavali festival, hence making it even longer because we have holidays in between that no one can even enjoy because we have papers the next day! But have they ever thought what the students want?!?!?!?!? And the retarded teacher who set the time table for the exam. If I ever get my chance on her, I'd kill her. Is she stupid or what?!?! She puts History II on the 7th of October and History I on the 23rd of October?! 

Conclusion : You are retarded. 

Besides, like I said, I'm so stressed. I haven't even finished studying yet and its Sunday today. I've been studying from 145-330 and 545-730. And no, I'm not done. Chin Kai Leong, you win okay. This term, I'm gonna fail big time. 

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