Wednesday, August 27, 2008

dearest blog, momma's back! hahahhaa.. altho, momma will be leaving you for quite a while a week from now.. so anyway.. ya'll wont believe whats been going on.. first things first.. ABALONE SHOW!! aka, heart of greed.. i call it abalone show.. so.. my mom's friend just burnt the whole series for me on a compact disk.. thats the good part.. bad part is, my pc cant read it.. i think its the cd, cuz the iMac wont read it either.. the thing is, i'm afraid that it'll trasmitt some dumb virus to the pc, which has just been cleared off viruses.. oh, did i tell you that i missed the last 2 episodes? why? my dad lahhhhh!!!! i was soo angry.. he came to ss2 to pick me up with my mom.. and we were supposed to go out for dinner.. but so ngam, my aunt bought food.. so my mom gave me a choice if i wanted to (a) stay there and they'll pick me up after dinner (b) just go with them and miss the last 2 episodes.. obviously, i chose A.. but no... someone had to insist that i followed them to dinner.. geez... so.. i showed a black face throughout dinner, cuz i didnt get to watch my show which i have been anticipating for a very long time, just so you know.. so anyway.. in school right.. i decided to give names to a couple of my friends based on the show.. and the results?

david teow, which we call daey.. has been transmogrified to " TAK TAK DAEY".. which in the show's originally tak tak dei.. acted by moses chan..

destiness koh, which we call des has been transmogrified to " SHUI DES DES".. which in the show's originally shui mak mak.. which is acted by, i dont know who.. some girl..

lui jan yi which we call jan has been transmogrified to " SHEUNG JAN SUM".. which in the show is sheung JOY sum, acted byy linda chung..

and last but not least...

phuah cheng li has been transmogrified to " CHENG LI".. [not actually transmogrified].. which in the show is cheng leung/alfred acted by RAYMOND LAM FUNG!! whahahaha..

and if you actually put us in the movie, i die.. ==.. how lame huh?? so yea. thats what we practically do in class, since lessons have been cut due to the closeness of PMR.

ahh, great.

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