initial plan : go for sports day to see him and support scouties, stay back for i-dont-know-what, get picked up by cc maykin, go to ou, go home...
final plan : go for sports day to support scouties, went to mcd's with "the gang", walk back to school, get picked up by cc maykin and the kids, go ou, go home.
YUPP!! and the kids stayed over.. i forgot their names.. ><.. erm.. one's ah san and the other is.. i-dont-know.. hhahahhaa.. they're cute.. ah sna's 10 and i-dont-know's 7.. they hardly speak english, kong tung wa.. summor they can speak canton better thn me.. i was sooo pai seh.. hahaha... and they followed us to ou to shop for shoes... and my couz bought them some stuff.. cuz apparently, they're not really rich.. like a bit on the poor side.. so their mom always work, work, work.. nothing but work, work, work.. and they dont make time for their kids.. so my couz bought them some stationaries and stuff.. and according to des, stationary price wanna increase already laa! hahhaa.. i dont know... ==.. btw, they're my cousin's cousins, which are technically my cousins but we're just not blood related. get?
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